3 Minute Message - 02/18/2015
Throughout the United States, several states are working simultaneously on bills to help improve the health, access, and productivity of our public lands. These bills are helping to look towards the transfer of those public lands to the states wherein they lie, as a means to help preserve them for generations to come, while still providing for the access we all cherish and the productivity we rely on.
Read moreIn The News, February 17, 2015
Today's Headlines:
Missouri: Transfer of Public Lands Champion; Op-ed: Despite Rhetoric, Utah is Quite Capable of Managing Federal Lands; Public Safety Concerns Prompt Emergency Wild Horse Roundup; Rural Lawmakers Back Federal Land Transfer Report; Debate Over Idaho Public Lands Management Sees Shift; Policy Not Politics Should Fuel Public Land Debate; Bills Call for Task Force to Study Federal Land Transfer; Public Lands Issue Debated in Montana Legislature.
Read moreIn The News, January 26, 2015
Today's Headlines:
Bills Target Federal Land Ownership in State; States Challenge Federal Control of Western Lands; Rural Counties Dealing with Loss of Federal Dollars; Congress Not Looking Out for Rural Communities; Republicans Warn Obama Against More National Monuments in Nevada.
Read moreIn The News, January 22, 2015
Today's Headlines:
Washington State Introduces Legislation to Fight Federal Landgrabs; How the Feds Lied to Help Kill an Oyster Business in California; Federal Bureau of Land Management Chief Michael Herder Settling into New Position in Ely.
Read moreIn the News, November 3, 2014
Today's Headlines: Time for an Endangered Species Act makeover; The only one ‘seizing’ federal lands is Uncle Sam; Utah Governor Pushing For Regulatory Primacy on Federal Lands; Washington County condemns BLM for Recapture Canyon closure, Blanding; calls for reopening; ‘Grass March’ Turned Out to Be Final Ride for Original Sagebrush Rebel.
Read more
In the News, October 29th 2014
Today's Headlines: Sen. Reid quietly moves to block development of 800,000 acres in central Nevada; Ranchers talk transferring fed's land to states; State Sovereignty at Its Most Basic: Control of Land; Feeling pushed by lands ‘poll’? Sutherland Soapbox, 10/21/14
Read moreState Sovereignty is, at its Most Basic, The Control of Land
by Karla Jones
State sovereignty at its most basic is the ability of a state to control its own land. Earlier this month, 95 state and locally elected officials joined a variety of experts from 14 states in Salt Lake City to draft and ratify a statement calling for land currently held by the federal government to be transferred to the states. Officials at the summit included Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell; Utah Speaker of the House Becky Lockhart and state Senator Jennifer Fielder of Montana.
Read moreOct 2014 Press Conference
This 34 minute Press Conference answers many of the questions people have about the Transfer of Public Lands. Share this with your friends, family colleagues and elected officials and help dispel the myths.