Q: Are you happy with the direction that our country is headed? A: Yes
michael snyder
2017-01-12 20:40:49 -0700
Q: Do you feel that state and local governments do a better job at protecting liberty and encouraging economic vitality than the federal government? A: Yes
michael snyder
2017-01-12 20:40:36 -0700
Q: Do you believe that the solutions to America's problems can be found in Washington D.C.? A: No
michael snyder
2017-01-12 20:40:18 -0700
Q: Are you satisfied with the way federal agencies have handled issues such as the environment, species protection, and energy development? A: No
michael snyder
2017-01-12 20:40:06 -0700
Q: Do you believe that all states should be equal in their ability to govern their own lands and resources? A: Yes
Q: Do you feel that state and local governments do a better job at protecting liberty and encouraging economic vitality than the federal government? A: Yes
Q: Do you believe that all states should be equal in their ability to govern their own lands and resources? A: Yes
Josiah Loven
2017-01-12 17:42:08 -0700
Q: Are you willing to take a role in bringing about statehood equality through empowering local and state governments in the West? A: Yes
Josiah Loven
2017-01-12 17:41:56 -0700
Q: Are you happy with the direction that our country is headed? A: No
Josiah Loven
2017-01-12 17:41:48 -0700
Q: Do you feel that state and local governments do a better job at protecting liberty and encouraging economic vitality than the federal government? A: Yes
Josiah Loven
2017-01-12 17:41:40 -0700
Q: Do you believe that the solutions to America's problems can be found in Washington D.C.? A: No
Josiah Loven
2017-01-12 17:41:33 -0700
Q: Are you satisfied with the way federal agencies have handled issues such as the environment, species protection, and energy development? A: No
Q: Do you feel that state and local governments do a better job at protecting liberty and encouraging economic vitality than the federal government? A: Yes
Q: Do you feel that state and local governments do a better job at protecting liberty and encouraging economic vitality than the federal government? A: Yes
Showing 1053 reactions
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: Yes
A: No