Love the outdoors! Want better management of our public lands.

Jennifer Fielder, CEO
Thompson Falls, MT
Jennifer resides in a beautiful river valley nestled among steep, thickly forested mountains of Northwest Montana. Elected to the Montana State Senate in 2012, she holds degrees in Parks & Recreation and Ski Instruction and Coaching and has been an active volunteer with her local town Beautification Committee, County Historical Society, Arbor Day festivals, church, and annual community Heritage Celebrations.
Jennifer and her husband Paul, a retired wildlife biologist, are avid outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy living close to the land. They hunt, fish, trap, firewood, and raise a garden for wholesome sustenance. They manage their modest parcel of timber land for optimal forest health, wildlife habitat, and scenic values.
For over twenty years Jennifer successfully operated a small business specializing in planning, design, and development of outdoor recreation, urban and natural landscapes, and community enhancement projects. In this capacity she worked extensively with local, state, and federal government agencies as well as non profit organizations.
Recognizing the critical need for better management of federally controlled public lands, in 2013 Jennifer introduced legislation to study problems with federal land management and seek solutions. She was appointed to chair the study and soon became a leading expert on the issue of transferring federal public lands to the states. She accepted an unpaid position on the ALC Executive Committee in September of 2015.
Jennifer is a graduate of Western State College of Colorado where she earned a Bachelors Degree in Recreation and a Minor in Coaching; and of Wenatchee Valley College, WA where she earned an A.A.S, and an Associate Degree in Ski Instruction and Coaching. She completed Montana State University’s Forest Stewardship training and holds vocational certification in Horticulture.
Based on decades of professional experience, Jennifer understands that restoring balance and strengthening the local voice in public land management will lead to better outcomes in environmental quality, economic productivity, and recreational opportunities for all.

Jennifer Fielder 1189.23sc

Jennifer Fielder

Jennifer Fielder's activity stream

  • posted about Silver Membership-Individual on Facebook 2017-11-11 08:16:53 -0700
    Just made a donation to American Lands Council

    Silver Membership-Individual

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    The American Lands Council is America's Advocate for Better Access, Health, And Productivity on Public Lands.


    As a member you will become a vital part of our valued network of elected officials, resource experts, public land users, and other good citizens striving for increased accountability, greater accessibility, balanced beneficial uses, and responsible stewardship of our public lands for present and future generations. And you will be directly supporting advancement of our mission, including:


    • Research, development, and promotion of key legislation, litigation, and policy.
    • Reaching national audiences and expanding our network of leaders, organizations, and volunteers.
    • Educating key candidates and public officials.
    • Strategic planning and operations to improve access, health, and productivity on public lands through increased local control.


    Being a Gold Member of the American Lands Council shows just how much you understand and believe in the states' rights and abilities to manage their own public lands.  American Lands Council depends on memberships of people like you. Without your commitment, we would no longer be able to move the Transfer of Public Lands forward.


    Your annual membership can be paid at once, or by monthly installments.



    Our friendly ALC staff will send you a renewal notice via email 30 days before you membership is due to expire.


    We are grateful for your continued support!



    *Membership Subject to ALC Approval


  • commented on Legal Analysis Prepared for the UT Comms'n for the Stewardship of Public Lands 2015-12-11 21:23:01 -0700
    This is a LANDMARK finding in favor of local control of our public lands and resources!

  • commented on Fight Is ON: Utah Issues Dec 31 Deadline to Feds Over Lands 2015-01-03 22:53:56 -0700
    Wow! RT News did a great job covering this in 3 minutes flat.

  • Montana's 2015 TPL Legislation


    By Sen Jennifer Fielder, R-Thompson Falls

    Thanks to passage of Senate Joint Resolution 15 last session, the legislature conducted an intensive interim study of federal land management. I sponsored the 2013 legislation and chaired the 2013-14 study, both of which passed out of committee with broad bi-partisan support.

    The information compiled into the SJ-15 report is undeniable. The federal model of land management is failing Montana. Access is decreasing, catastrophic wildfire conditions are escalating, our environment is suffering, and economic productivity has sadly slipped to an all-time low.

    States all across the west are feeling the same acute pains. Reforms in Congress have been attempted by hundreds, by thousands, and by millions… for decades.

    Presently there are a number of efforts at the local, state, and national level aimed at trying to provide relief to communities, halt wasteful degradation of our resources, and stimulate more responsible management on our federally controlled public lands. I and many other legislators are working on a variety of bills to effect immediate improvements.

    In addition to those efforts, serious deliberations are underway in about twenty states with interest in transferring control of federal public lands to willing states.

    With the realization that decisions tend to be better when made by people closest to the subject matter, even Canada recently completed transferring control of their federal public lands to local governments.

    The reason TPL, or Transfer of Public Lands, has become so popular is because of the dire need to improve access, health, and productivity on our public lands -- not to privatize them, as adversaries often tout.

    To that end Montana Republicans are promoting 3 caucus bills to ensure we keep public lands public and perform our due diligence concerning the viability of the Transfer of Public Land issues:

    • LC 1749 will prohibit the federal government from selling the public lands they currently control in Montana.
    • SB 215 will prohibit the state from selling any public lands that are transferred from federal to state control in the future.
    • And LC 1557 will establish a bi-partisan task force to analyze the feasibility of transferring certain federal public lands to state control.

    The Transfer of Public Lands Feasibility Task Force will be equally weighted with Democrat and Republican legislators, and will also include the Administrator of State Trust Lands and State Forester as ex-officio members representing the executive branch. Members will be tasked with objectively investigating and answering the big questions about the transfer of public lands issue.

    The feasibility study will require an economic analysis of measures that could improve land management cost efficiency under state control, and funding options, including prevention and control of wildfires; projected high and low operation costs and revenues; the degree to which federal PILT and SRS payments to counties may be continued, replicated, or replaced; options for small incremental transfers over time; identification of pilot projects; and a formula for distribution of revenues if revenues exceed operating costs.

    The study will also call for safeguards that can be put in place to protect or enhance public ownership, public access, valid existing rights, conservation, and economic productivity over the short and long term.

    Our focus will be on lands currently administered by the USFS & BLM. We will not pursue congressionally designated Wilderness, National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, Indian Reservations, or Military properties. And the economic analysis will presume the land is to stay in public ownership under state control and will not be sold.

    A concerted review and fair hearings through an objective, bi-partisan interim study will provide the legislature, the governor, and people of Montana critical information on which to base future decisions concerning the viability of the Transfer of Public Lands issue. LC 1557 is designed to keep the Task Force small and the scope narrow so study costs will be low.

    We've got a variety of other bills in the works to stimulate better public land management. If you have any questions or suggestions about the Montana legislation I am working on, feel free to email me at [email protected] or visit me at You can visit for information about the national Transfer of Public Lands movement.

    Sen Jennifer Fielder, R - Thompson Falls
    Montana State Senate - District 7
    Visit me at:


    Other Legislation status: the following items are in draft stage as of 1/27/15

    1.  Withdraw general consent for federal acquisition of land for national forest purposes. Prevent the federal government from aquiring, selling, transferring or collateralizing  public lands in Montana without consent of county in which land is located and state legislature.

    2. Require Montana Attorney General to enforce Section 13 of the Enabling Act to recover Montana's 5% share of proceeds for support of common schools. 

    3. House Joint Resolution calling on Congress to fully fund PILT (at taxable land value) AND properly manage the public lands as promised in FLPMA (sustained yield, multiple use, local planning, PILT) OR begin working with the state on timely and orderly transfer of public lands to the state. Resolution will list grievances, pertinent economic data, FLMPA promises, original purposes. 

    4. Senate resolution calling on Congress to transfer public lands in accord with ALC Public Policy Statement. Resolution will include instructions to notify our congressional delegation and the legislatures and governors of other western states.

    5. House Resolution calling on Congress to transfer public lands in accord with ALC public policy statement. Resolution will include instructions to notify our congressional delegation and the legislatures and governors of other western states.


  • answered 2014-12-20 16:14:54 -0700
    Q: Over the past 20-30 years, have jobs and Productivity from federally controlled public lands:
    A: Decreased

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    Local verses D.C. Public Lands Management?  Take our short survey!

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  • followed Sign the Petition 2014-10-08 16:42:56 -0600

    Please Sign Our Petition:

    3,735 signatures


    Yes! I support Transferring Public Lands from the federal government to willing western states to improve public access, enhance environmental health, and restore economic productivity through local control.


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  • wants to volunteer 2015-09-14 11:15:11 -0600


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  • signed up on Join 2015-09-14 11:13:16 -0600