Bruce Hahn 14sc

Bruce Hahn

Bruce Hahn's activity stream

  • commented on In The News, April 22, 2015 2015-04-25 12:06:49 -0600
    Our forests have been mismanaged since the spotted owl pack of malarkey cause the shut down of proper management. The timber ready for harvest is largely been burned because of it. Over 100.000 jobs were stopped thanks to the pack of half-, truths and outright lies were introduced as fact to a bunch of unknowing political figures and the EPA. Since then our valleys have seen more and more days of terrible smoke. More every year. It is time we started managing our forests properly, creating more jobs and improving our economy.

    Few people realize that when we were logging our schools received money from state timber sales and the state and national parks were self supporting.

  • signed Sign the Petition 2014-12-20 13:15:56 -0700

    Please Sign Our Petition:

    3,742 signatures


    Yes! I support Transferring Public Lands from the federal government to willing western states to improve public access, enhance environmental health, and restore economic productivity through local control.


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