Macon Richardson published Utah Governor Backs Lawsuit Over Federal Land Management in News Bits 2016-03-23 16:21:46 -0600
Utah Governor Backs Lawsuit
By Tripp Baltz
March 11 — Utah Gov. Gary R. Herbert (R) said he supports efforts to mount a legal challenge seeking to allow the state to manage 30 million acres of federal lands within its boundaries.
Macon Richardson commented on Montana’s timber industry struggles to survive 2015-12-01 11:26:42 -0700Money and Politics, Casey. If the Montana Wood Products Industry Association were good for the timber industry in Montana then the Montana timber industry wouldn’t be dying.
Macon Richardson posted about Take Our Survey on Facebook 2016-05-05 12:17:21 -0600What do you think of Federally controlled land, take our short survey!
Take Our Survey
Local verses D.C. Public Lands Management? Take our short survey!
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Please Sign Our Petition:
Yes! I support Transferring Public Lands from the federal government to willing western states to improve public access, enhance environmental health, and restore economic productivity through local control.
Macon Richardson commented on Montana 2015-02-09 14:05:17 -0700Montana Republicans are promoting 3 caucus bills to ensure we keep public lands public and perform our due diligence concerning the viability of the Transfer of Public Land issues:
• LC 1749 will prohibit the federal government from selling the public lands they currently control in Montana.
• SB 215 will prohibit the state from selling any public lands that are transferred from federal to state control in the future.
• And LC 1557 will establish a bi-partisan task force to analyze the feasibility of transferring certain federal public lands to state control.