Myths about R.S. 2477


0ea970eafe8b518af799baa58b14ae67.pngMYTHS about
R.S. 2477

Public Highway Access Claims in Colorado; a Primer for Officials”
Listen to the expert, 43 yr. litigator, teach jurisdiction between state and federal authorities arising from:
(1) 1867 Mining Law, containing RS 2477;
(2) Research and field examination methods; and,
(3) Strategies and tactics available under Kane County v. Wilderness Society (10th Cir., 2010) and other related federal decisions.

Please JOIN US!
March 15th 2016
6:00 p.m.
Colorado Mesa University
South Ballroom
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO
Tickets are $50.00
(All proceeds are used hire James Beckwith to recover many protected land routes)

Parking is free
Please RSVP to
[email protected]
Please call Linda Bestland at 970-210-0932 for more information.

 James Beckwith is a member of the Colorado Bar Association and Jefferson County Colorado Bar Association. He earned his Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Psychology from the University of California, Davis and his Juris Doctor comes from the University of California, Hastings College of Law.


March 15, 2016 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Myths about R.S. 2477
Linda Bestland · · (970) 210-0932

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  • Dianne Prigge
    commented 2016-02-13 21:57:13 -0700
    I reside in Utah and would like to know if the bus might be a good way to get to this meeting or any other way other than motor vehicles. I think driving to be very stressful. Thank you.