ALCF Donations
Leading the Charge
The American Lands Council Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused on research and education related to the historical, economic, environmental, and social aspects of public land management, ownership, disposition and policies.
Our Goal
Our goal is to contribute research and education in support of achieving thoughtful, accountable, locally driven stewardship that improves public access, environmental health, and economic productivity on our public lands.
Eric Redman posted about Volunteer on Facebook 2015-10-02 09:32:23 -0600I signed up to volunteer for American Lands Council. Join me!
Thank you for being willing to help! Would you consider sustaining our efforts with a small monthly contribution?
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Eric Redman posted about Take Our Survey on Facebook 2015-10-02 09:24:18 -0600What do you think of Federally controlled land, take our short survey!
Take Our Survey
Local verses D.C. Public Lands Management? Take our short survey!
Take the survey